Christmas Gift Ideas: Friends

As I stood and watched the fireworks finale I could almost hear the Christmas songs singing in my head. As with Autumn we seem to switch from Halloween to Christmas overnight! But I'm not complaining...I LOVE Christmas! However many people hate hate hate it and having to buy gifts can be very stressful so I thought I would put a few of my ideas together to share with you. 
Hope these inspire you to crack on with your shopping.

I'm going to begin with what I think are suitable gift ideas for your friends:

1. Pyjamas 

I personally don't think you can go wrong with some nightwear, (or if you're like me "wear everytime I have chance" wear! They're something that everyone wears and you can get them almost everywhere. ( Large pic: Next. From top to bottom: New Look, Tesco, Tesco) 

2. Photo frame 

If you've been friends for a long time there's no doubt you will have hundreds of photos together. Get a couple of your favourite ones and put them in a nice frame. It's nice to have a mixture of old ones and newer ones. (Asda, The Range)

3. A mug

I personally believe everyone needs their own mug. There are literally hundreds on the market and you can find one that suits your friends taste perfectly. These are just a few of my favourites.
Top left : Emma Bridgewater (John Lewis)
Top right : Disney store
Bottom left :
Bottom right : John Lewis

4. A collection 

Some people are just really hard to buy for so why not just spend a little on a lot. You could find a really nice gift box, pack it with shredded tissue and then go out and buy lots of little things instead of one big present. 

5. Think practical! 
Are they a sports fanatic? Perhaps a new water bottle.
Are they moving house? Something for their new home.
Going on holiday? Some travel minis, or some currency.
Busy mum? Something to help them relax, a candle, bubble bath, or a couple of hours child free! 

 And there we go, 5 simple and not so expensive gift ideas for those of you that might be struggling a little! I really hope these give you some inspiration. 

Should I do more? For Mum/Dad? 

Happy Shopping! 

Hannah x


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