Tag : Q&A

Hello Everyone!

I found these questions on Zoella's blog which she answered yonks ago but thought I'd give them a go while I'm still getting to grips with blogging! 

Here goes...

What is your current fashion obsession? At the moment I'm loving patterned trousers. 

What is your current make-up obsession?  Maybelline dream pure BB cream 

What are you wearing today? Oops, I've not left the house yet so I'm wearing Primark PJ bottoms and loose green top

Hair? Wet.

Do you nap a lot? No, only when I'm in the car! 

Why is today special? It's my day off!

What would you like to learn to do? I'd love to learn to speak a language fluently.

What's for dinner today? Well in Yorkshire we call lunch "dinner" so probably a sandwich.

What are you listening to right now? Pharrell Williams - Happy  & the washing machine.

What is your favorite weather? Warm but bearable 

What's the last thing you bought? Yorkshire Tea teabags 

What are your essentials when travelling? A bottle of water, pillow, comfy clothes, reading material and snacks!

What's your style? Whatever I enjoy to wear and feel content wearing!

What is your most challenging goal at the moment? I'm starting Uni in September so I guess it's to get stuck in and enjoy it as much as possible.

If you could have a house totally payed for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? That's impossible to answer! The possibilities are endless! 

Favorite vacation spot? The french riviera

Name the things you cannot live without? Family and friends 

How was your childhood? enjoyable but too quick

What would you like to have in your hands right now? Keys to a new car?! 

What would you like to get rid of? Calories, I want to eat bad stuff and not always feel bad!

What are you most excited for? The next couple of months, I want to think I've done something this summer

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour where would you go? Greece, my friends are on holiday there so I would stop off for a chat! 

Which countries have you visited? Mallorca, France, Cyprus, Tenerife, Ibiza 

Wow! That took longer than I thought, they really get you thinking though! 

I would like to Tag;
  • Antonella.  http://beautylove7694.blogspot.co.uk
  • Tara Baker http://www.bee-on-a-budget.blogspot.com
  • Keighly Kerr http://keighly.blogspot.co.uk
  • Amy Gill theamygill.blogspot.com
Thank you for reading!

Hannah x 


  1. Great post!! I love Zoella's blog and remember when she did this one :) Great job! :)

    -Lauren :) x



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